Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Things are going good. Nicks unemployment got screwed up but im trying to wait patiently for it to be fixed so i can pay the water bill.

Skie was rather dissapointed yesterday. I took all her toys and her TV. Only things in her room are her bed and dresser and her clothes. and a few stuffed animals. She decided it would be a great idea to shuve her toys under her bed when told to clean her room. I was extermly P*ssed! So I took the frame to her bed out so now her boxspring and mattress are sitting on the floor. She has to earn back 1 toy at a time. She will learn responsibility for her belongings. Taking care of the toys we have given her.

Anyways... The weather is so crapy today. Its snowing!!

And here is a beautiful sunrise from last week....

Hope you enjoy the pictures!



Liz Mays said...

The snow right next to the sunrise, wow! I hope Skie learns the responsibility lesson quickly.

Angela @ Nine More Months said...

Good luck!

And I think you should definitely try to make it a point to visit a spa some time this year. It will be worth it. :)