Monday, April 5, 2010

Another Week

A New week. This is week number 2 trying to slowly go off my antidepresant medicine. It's not east at all. Today I feel as though I want to sleep all day long. Im feeling dizzy and wozzy. I know it will take time to start feeling better, but today is not a good day. I need to come off of these because my husband and i plan to conceive this month.(with the help of Clomid!!) I dont want to have morning sickness and be trying to come off of antidepressant at the same time.
Skie is off to school. She was originaly not going to go because she said she wasnt feeling well. So I told her she could go get pajama's on and get back in bed. She says she wants to go play. Of course i say if she is sick she needs to get some rest to feel better. I did take her temp, wich read 99.01, not bad... but she felt warm to me. So Im preparing my coffee and she comes out of her room saying she wants to play again. And tells me she is only a little bit sick. Now I know she is just playing me. So i tell her to get her school clothes on and come out for breakfast. She ate and got ready for school. What I don't understand is why she didnt want to go. Is it because she wants to play at home, or some other reason. Im gonna have a talk with her later to make sure nothing is wrong.
Well, moving on. This day will be pretty laid back. Im not feeling well so im going to try and take it easy. I have a sink of dishes to wash, laundry to wash, need to vacume, make beds, clean litter box, and probably many other things need to be tended to. I would like to go for a walk but the weather isnt looking promising. For now im going to watch supernanny and hope im feeling well enough to clean soon. Im not a lazy person, so sitting on the sofa isn't what i enjoy doing.
Also today im completing a review for Aden + Anais Swaddle blanket. So come back later today to see how wonderful they are!
Bye for now!